

WWW SqlDesigner 是一个在线图形化建表工具. 通过直观的托拽, 建表,添加字段, 设置属性和注释, 以及创建外键等操作, 最后生成建表所需要的SQL语句. 同样, 它可以导入现数据库设计,然后进行图形化的改动. 它支持多种语言, 和多数常见数据库. 这一切, 都是在网页上完成的. 当然, 它不像本地工具如PB, ERwin, Mysql-front等那么强大, 就连跟phpMyadmin比也不能跟数据库连接, 但它简单, 方便. 或许你用得着.

它其实是一个开源的工程, 项目主页在这里, 你可以下载源码上传到自己的服务器上. 只需要客户端支持Javascript.

This tool allows you to draw and create database schemas (E-R diagrams) directly in browser, without the need for any external programs (flash). You only need JavaScript enabled. The Designer works perfectly in Mozillas (Firefox, Seamonkey), Internet Explorers (6, 7, 8), Safari and Operas. Konqueror works, but the experience is limited.

Many database features are supported, such as keys, foreign key constraints, comments and indexes. You can either save your design (for further loading & modifications), print it or export as SQL script. It is possible to retrieve (import) schema from existing database.



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